Sunday, August 7, 2011, not that kind!

Hi y'all,

Just a quick post about the nice Western Family group.... Usually people who know of the The Western Family brand, think of generic, modestly priced food items, such as canned beans, frozen juices or bags of rice. But today I'm talking about their over the counter medications.

The other day, I was in my local Cd'A Super 1 grocery store, (who has a fantastic Gluten Free section) looking for some childrens Tylenol when the Western Family brand, "comparable to Tylenol" caught my eye.

Why, you ask? Because on their packaging, it clearly states "Gluten Free"! I was shocked. A generic company who packages ALL KINDS of items, takes the time to print whether their OTC drugs were gluten free? Unheard of!

Major brands don't even do that! I randomly checked the other kinds of medications Western Family had on the shelves, and most of them stated "Gluten Free". But then I wondered, if the FDA has not put restrictions on what can be labeled "gluten free" and what can't yet, how do I know if I can trust this?

Well, thats a whole 'nother posting... BUT for now, I saw that not all their products were labeled gluten free, but were sporting the new label design.

Thanks Western Family for going that extra step. It makes my life a little bit easier, and I've had no reactions to any of the Western Family "gluten free" OTC's I've tried.

Have a great pain-allergy-sinus relief kind of day, everyone!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gluten Free Red Robin

So, I don't know how the weather fares in your neck of the woods, but here in the panhandle of Northern Idaho, its kinda toasty. We be poor folk and don't have the fancy air conditioning, so we have fans staged strategically throughout our home near any open windows....

But its still hot. My thermometer read 85 degrees inside today. Ok, yes, I know thats not as bad as some temperatures in parts of the US and the world, but still, I did not want to heat up an already warm home by trying to cook dinner.

We're out of propane, so don't even mention the grill. And no, I'm not a campfire girl, so a bonfire won't work either. So whats a gluten free girl to do? Go to Red Robin of course.

I have long enjoyed the gluten free options available at my local Red Robin and am so partial to one server there, Jen, that I request her tables whenever I patronize this restaurant. I request her because she completely gets my gluten free needs, gets a basket of GF fries started before I even order, and makes sure nothing comes to my gaping maw thats been glutenized. In other words, if I weren't already happily situated in domestic bliss with my hubby, I'd marry the woman.

So its hot tonight, I didn't want to cook and we ended up at Red Robin for dinner. Lo and behold Jen was not there!!! To say the least, I was devastated! Now, I've eaten at the Red Robin in the past without the coddling of said server, Jen, and always I've been dissappointed. But like I said it was hot, and I wasn't going to drag my whining kidlettes back home. So I bit the bullet and hoped for the best.

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised! Not only did my order come to me correctly, but I was given a gift from the Gods! The Red Robin seasoning was....GLUTEN FREE!!!! Yes, you heard me correctly, its salty goodness is gluten free! No longer did I have to order my extra crispy fries sans seasoning! It was like the heavens opened up just for me singing songs of joy as sprinkles of tasty herbs and spices showered down upon.... oh, wait, thats my kids misbehaving at the table again.

Anyways... I was thrilled to be able to order food like a normal person again. Thank you Red Robin for helping out us Celiacs to clog our arteries like all true Americans.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cake Pops!

Hi there!
I'm back.

This time with a brief post about the goodness of Gluten Free Cake pops. I can hear the scoffs of disbelief from here.....

Its true! My wonderfully talented, pastry chef friend, Dana has made some delicious GF White Chocolate Cake Pops with Huckleberry filling.

And the best part? They are available for purchase at Frosted in Coeur d'Alene, ID!

While Gluten Free options are not a normal staple to this cute bakery located downtown, these lovely little gems of goodness are being sneakily added to their repertoire by my friend as she replenishes their cake pop arsenal.

So, go there, request the GF cake pops and help make them a permanent addition! You won't be disappointed!

Frosted is located at the corner of 5th and Sherman Ave. Downstairs in Old City Hall.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

White Box Pies

Hiya people!

Yes, I know, you're wondering who this actually is. I have been absent for QUITE AWHILE! I know. But one can only keep moving, and here I am.

I was prompted (well, rather shamed) to write on my blog again by a wonderful friend of mine. She has a fantastic blog you should check out, . Hi-lar-ious and such a sharp wit, be sure to wear gloves when reading! ;-)

So, said friend urged me to post a blog again, so here I am. And I've decided to kick this off with a restaurant review. White Box Pies! Have you been there? You so totally should!

Why? Well, let me tell you.... its a Gluten Free carnival of delight for your mouth! Seriously!

During a fun writer-retreat weekend recently, my friend and I went for lunch and ended up at the small, quaint and welcoming White Box Pies in Spokane, Wa. Their menu boasts a plethora of gluten free options for sandwiches, salads, soups and last but not least, pastries! Yes, I DID say pastries! Imagine a gluten free eclair, cream puff or bread pudding.....can you see it? Yeah, I know its kind of hard to do, but when you arrive at White Box Pies, you can actually experience it!

Using their own recipe for a gluten free sandwich roll you can have almost every option on their menu. On this day, I chose the GF grilled Italian sandwich with their Chicken & Rice soup.

So pretty, isnt it? And yummy too! Tasted so good with a lovely combination of turkey, capicciola, tomato, lettuce and peperocini with a drizzle of italian dressing. The Chicken Rice soup, was good. A little bland, and a tad too salty, but on the whole, its nice to just be able to enjoy a soup at a restaurant, so I'm not complaining.

My friend enjoyed a gluten filled sandwich and was very pleased with the rye and veggie fillings. Her side salad was a bit uninspired, so we won't mention it much. On the whole it was a wonderful dining experience, especially sitting outside under their pergola in the sunny light breeze. Even with traffic buzzing by, it was a great little getaway, especially since it allowed us to enjoy lunch with my friends doggie being able to join us. Miss Tuppence was able to wind her leash around every permanent structure in site to her hearts content and we didn't have to worry about her overheating in the car.

But wait, I know you're now thinking to yourself, "Her friend had a gluten filled sandwich? Then what about cross contamination? Is she crazy?" Well, yes, temporary insanity has been thrown as a label my way on occasion, but not this time!

White Box Pies, is very aware of the necessary steps needed to keep from glutenizing their gluten intolerant and Celiac customers. So, no fears need be aroused, you can eat here with confidence.

To top it all off, we also ordered a GF Cream Puff (to die for!), Bread Pudding (very good) and a whole GF Cherry Pie! What, don't look at me like that. How can you not over order with all that GF goodness to try? And no, we did not eat it all in one sitting, we nicely shared with the family upon our return from our getaway.

But be fairly warned, while all pastries were divine, they are RICH! So pace yourself! ;-)

White Box Pies.... Lovely.... Safe.... and party for your mouth! Go...right now!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Happy holidays!

As the festivities are just around the corner, I went grocery shopping the other day in search of some yummy pre-made treats. I was bound and determined to find some "regular" holiday goodies that I could enjoy with my family.

After fruitlessly wandering the holiday isles, I was about to just throw in the towel, when I spotted the eggnog. Feeling frustrated and down, I nonetheless went to read the ingredients list. Surely something thick and creamy couldn't possibly be gluten free?

Miracles do happen! The lovely carton of Dairygold eggnog even states "Gluten Free"! I was thrilled! So home I went, my treasure clutched lovingly to my chest.

When I informed my husband of my find, he immediately opened the carton and poured us both some to drink. Watching in horror as he drank the eggnog straight, I cringed, and grabbed a bottle of Sprite. Which then prompted him to watch in horror as I added Sprite to my eggnog. Now it was ready to drink.

So, I ask you all, do any of you add Sprite to your eggnog, or is this just a strange family tradition of mine? Let me know your thoughts, ideas, and other holiday treats you found to be gluten free!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Products!!!!!

Yes, its been a while since you've heard from me. But I'm back now, and will hopefully stay more in touch.

Its been a crazy ride lately, what with relatives visiting, to road trips, to mysterious and painful abdominal problems resulting in ER visits (not gluten related, but gall bladder adventures). But my mood, both socially and emotionally, is improving now so I can try to be my spunky positive self again. *clears throat*

So, I am excited about a couple of new products I have discovered. I know they have been out for a while, but I had not found them at a store before. I made this morning some yummy pancakes from Kinnikinnick. They were so good! Now, its been 4 years since having "real" pancakes, but by golly, these tasted and looked like the real thing! I was in heaven. Yumm-yummy! Go out at get some right now! You can find it at Super 1 in Coeur d'Alene.

The other neat-o product that I am super excited about is Desert Essence Wheat/Gluten-Free Sun Screen! I know! Its a little on the thick side, and expensive, but its better that getting sunburned, sick or sitting at the beach in a long sleeve shirt. Most suncreens I have found, contain tochopherols or glycerin, which can both be derived from wheat/gluten sources. And this here products states on the label its gluten free. Yippie! Summer here I come! Now I just need to look decent enough in shorts and/or a bathing suit to show my skin. *clears throat* (side note: this product is formulated for the face, but I use it everywhere.)

Well, thats all for now. I hope to be posting more receipes here soon as I tackle some of my favorite chefs concoctions and convert them to gluten free ones. I'll let you know how the successes and failures go.

Until then, stay healthy and gluten free.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Whats your favorite Gluten Free replacement?

As I was wandering the grocery store the other day, reading labels and generally being frustrated by the yummy looking items I could not buy, I came to a suprising discovery. While I am pretty much out of luck when it comes to prepackaged rice mixes and potatoes from a box, I discovered a whole plethora of foods I could eat! Thai mixes! I couldn't believe it either! I had assumed that since it was an Asian prepackaged food, it would have been made with soy sauce using wheat. But no! They're not.

Thai Kitchen has an amazing array of gluten free products, mixes and sauces. I couldn't believe my eyes. While they are not all gluten free, the ones that are, are all CLEARLY marked on the containers "Gluten Free". So easy. I was ecstatic to say the least. I had found San-J's wheat free soy sauce before, but Asian cooking is not one that I have mastered or even amateured in. I can blend a stir fry sauce from a recipe, but they always see to fall short of my expectations.

So I bought myself some Phad Tahi noodles and rushed home to try it out. Would my taste buds be happy? Would they be even mildly giddy? Let me tell you, they were not disappointed. While I am sure they are not quite as good as restaurant or authentic Thai dishes, these are now a staple in my house.

It got me to thinking though, what other hidden gluten free gems are just sitting unmarked on my grocery store shelves waiting to be discovered? So I thought perhaps my other GF friends had also made "regular grocery item" discoveries of their own that clearly state gluten free on the packaging and would be willing to share.

Here is what I have found so far:

Thai Kitchen (large majority of products)

A Taste of Thai (large majority of products)

Best Foods Mayonnaise

San-J Wheat Free Soy Sauce

Beelers Breakfast Sausages

Hormel Natural Lunch meats and Natural Bacon

Dairygold Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Heavy Cream

Coffee Mate Creamers

Old Wisconsin Summer Sausage, Pepperoni slices and stix

Rice Chex

Yoplait Yogurts

La Victoria Green Taco Sauce & Salsas

Mission soft Corn Tortillas & hard Taco Shells

Mission Tortilla chips (label claims "Allergens None". But it doesn't state Gluten Free)

As always, read the labels before you buy and consume, as manufacturers can and do change their ingredients with out notice.

List more items you know of, and lets get out there and eat like normal people!